What is a Home Solar Power System

Installing a home solar power system in your residence is good for the environment. A typical 10 KW system over the 25 year lifetime eliminates more than 400 pounds of nitrogen oxide which produces smog, eliminates more than 1000 pounds of sulfur dioxide which creates acid rain and eliminates more than 200 tons of carbon dioxide which contributes to global warming. Above all government is giving tax incentives to install home solar power to consumers to reduce carbon footprint.


Home solar power systems can be installed on almost all homes except for a very small home which have less than 120 square feet of roof. The largest of the system requires about 1000 square feet of roof. The system requires direct sunlight and it works almost everywhere. If there is not enough space on roof or if there is a problem of direct sunlight then it can even be installed on ground or some other elevated space. In most cities you require building permit to install home solar power system to your building. Your dealer and installer know how to obtain the necessary permits. You will also require permission from the utility company since this system works with your current utility.

Working of the System

Home solar power system is installed on the roof where the solar energy is transformed into direct current (DC) power. Then this DC power is converted into alternating current (AC) power for residential use. This generated AC power is then used around the house to run all the appliances like refrigerator, television, electric lamps, computers etc.
At night this home solar power system will not work. During night time you sill need to draw power from local utility. Most of the home solar power systems are interconnected with you utility. Your utility would provide power as usual at night and during day when your electricity demand exceeds that produced by your home solar power system. In case of cloudy days the home solar power system generates less power. Part of the power produced by your home solar power system during the day time is used to charge the batteries which provide power for your critical loads in the event of a power outage, day or night.

Home Heating

There is a misconception that home solar power can heat a home, which is not true. The system is used to convert the solar energy into electrical energy and this energy is then used to run your appliances, lights and other electrical devices. If you have electric heater in your home then you can use this system to heat the home which is rare. There are other technologies which convert solar energy into heat but this home solar power system is not used for home heating.
Home solar power systems don’t have any moving parts and solar modules are also tough. Components may last many years without problem.

Other Advantages

In addition to the direct savings through utility cost, homeowners have one more advantage and that is the property resale value. For every dollar saved annually in utilities the value of the house is increased anywhere from 10 to 20 dollars.

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