What are some postives and negatives about solar power plants?

Best answer:

Answer by Roger S
Good things:

– the sun will continue to provide power for at least another several billion years
– solar power generation does not produce any waste like CO2 or radioactive materials

Bad things:

– solar power is only available during the day.
– solar cells are only 10% efficient. This makes solar power stations very large.

Inevitable things:

– fossil fuel and nucleur materials are non-renewable.
– a large amount of CO2 is generated by coal fired power plants. Global warming will cause the sea level to rise due to melting ice sheets at the poles. By 2050, it is estimated the sea will rise 3 feet. If all the ice melted, most coastal cities would no longer exist. Large areas of land at sea level would also vanish. In the USA, Florida would dissapear, along with cities like New York, Los Angeles and Nerw Orleans. Countries like Vietnam and Bangladeesh would loose most of their land to the sea.

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