Q&A: Is there any kind of big battery solar power thing?

I am trying to describe basically a big battery that charges up during the day by solar panels outside and can be used to power lamps and phone chargers and whatnot. I want to start using at least some solar technology but I am only 15 and I do not have a house on which to place panels.

Best answer:

Answer by yankee_sailor
those of us who live on boats and have 12 volt based electrical systems have been doing this for 20 plus years…….you need a solar panel…..the bigger the better; figure at least 200 dollars if not 500.00 in order to get a usable amount of electricity…….a charge controller between the panel and the battery which keeps you from frying the battery……..a 12 volt battery…..a truck size ( #27) or a 4D is good……..and then either 12 volt lights and fans and appliances or an inverter which takes the 12 volt in the battery and allows you to plug in 110v stuff like a phone charger, laptop, small TV……..

you can do a small system for about 300-500 dollars, a decent sized system fro 1000.00 to 2000.00

look at some of the marine supply store web sites to get an idea of how it all goes together….Defender Industries and West Marine are good places to start

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