Q&A: if getting solar power in space is so easy, why can’t we get it in space and then send it to earth?

I just read this article about how solar energy is environmentally friendly but, at this time, is often too expensive especially in urban areas. Because a satellite is able to have sunlight all the time it uses solar power to run its machinery or something. Instead of thinking up ideas of getting sunlight to earth, can’t the satellite’s, i don’t know, store it in batteries or something?

I don’t know much about solar power so my question might seem stupid to some, but I’m really curious.
if we can get internet info from satellites, can’t we get power?

Best answer:

Answer by red riter
In space there is no atmosphere, so the sunlight is much more intense and powerful. Solar panels work very well in space.

Batteries are heavy and have a limited lifetime. Sending batteries into space is expensive.

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