Q&A: How do you cook an egg with only solar power? help me with my project!?

Solar Egg Cooker Competition

Your Mission: To cook a single egg using only a solar power device of your own design, manufactured using only recycled materials.

The Rules:
No purchased apparatus or materials may be used.
All materials must be second use. For example, if you use aluminum foil, it must have been previously used for some other purpose. You are encouraged to use a wide variety of materials from around your home.
Be inventive and creative.

would aluminum foil work?
help! what would you do?

Best answer:

Answer by ashok
hey you can use a old metal box as metal heats up really fast
also try using a glass lid painted black which can be found second hand ofcourse
try wrapping the egg in a used al foil
guess you can take things from here 😉

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