NJ Install WaterFurnace Geothermal heating & cooling PART 1

Visit www.NJRenewableEnergy.com Interested in a geothermal installation in New Jersey, contact me. [email protected] Global Warming, Peak oil (in connection with war for oil) and the Economy. I am extremely concerned about these issues and I truly believe that our only chance in solving all four is through conservation and clean renewable energy. We as individuals must act now. I have decided as an average citizen to change my own habits and behavior to become apart of the solution and I’m hoping to convince my friends and neighbors to do the same. All of these issues revolve around one problem, our addiction to oil and other fossil fuels. With what I believe is a grass roots movement around the world, I have just begun the systematic process and modification of my home with the idea of conservation and the “soon to be added” production of renewable energy. I hope to be apart of a movement that helps our nation and the world become self reliant in order to save our planet. It is my belief that “we” as Americans can each do our part as individuals with the combined effort to make real change. We do need government help, however it can start in every home in America with the idea of reducing our carbon foot print in an attempt to reduce our effect on the planet as well as our dependency on foreign and domestic oil. We as a nation must lead the world in renewable energy. It will provide our nation with power, stability and a planet that can sustain life.

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