MC Connectors and Solar Panels – AltE Video Tip

Learn about the different MC connectors, otherwise known as multi-contact connectors, and how to use them in conjunction with your solar panels from our video tip for the do it yourself renewable energy enthusiast!

Installing the best RADIANT FOIL BARRIER / attic foil will help reduce / lower your cooling cost and energy bills. is a highly reflective, double-sided, multilayered radiant foil barrier material (metalized film) that blocks up to 96% of radiant energy. Enerflex is an easy to install radiant foil barrier, and it can be installed in both new and existing homes. Radiant barrier foil installs between rafters to the underside of a roof and on other vertical surfaces in an attic to reduce solar heat gain into the home. It also reduces heat transfer by thermal radiation across the air space between the roof and attic floor, keeping an attic up to 30 degrees cooler. In cool weather, Enerflex attic insulation radiant barrier helps prevent radiant energy from leaving the home and reduces heat loss, which adds up to significant energy cost savings. Made in America, Enerflex is two layers of tear-resistant foil, laminated and reinforced with a poly scrim for tear and puncture resistance. Double-sided for efficiency, Enerflex offers panels that are precut to 16 and 24-inches on center, and does not require tools to install, even on a cathedral ceiling. Enerflex is available in rolls and panels, and is backed by a 15-year limited warranty. Receive Government Tax Credit Enerflex Radiant Barrier qualifies for the American Recovery Tax Credit for insulation—equating to savings of 30 percent or 00. Enerflex is also ENERGY STAR approved and allows specifiers to earn

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