Green Energy and Solar Heating Tubes

Climate change concerns lots of today’s landlords, and using a solar energy system to warm your building’s water can do much to allay a potential tenant’s concerns. Whether you have commercial property, industrial buildings or residential apartments, your potential tenants has been hearing for many years that it is important to protect the planet and move towards energy independence. Installing and utilizing green energy where possible will speak volumes about your ethics to prospective renters.


Green credentials aside, there are lots of reasons to install solar panels. You can lower your gas or energy bills significantly by becoming less dependent on your gas or electric boiler. You can use these savings to become more profitable, or pass the savings on to your tenants.


Solar heated water is not a new concept, of course. People have experimented with the idea of using the sun’s power to heat water since the mid nineteenth century. However, while the technology has come a long way over the last few decades, until recently solar power was of limited use for heating in cold or cloudy countries. And yet this is where people need to cut heating costs the most. With the development of vacuum sealed solar heating tubes, however, more and more people are now able to convert to a solar energy system.


Solar heating tubes’ cylindrical shape allows them to be positioned in such a way that some of their surface constantly faces the sun, allowing them to absorb solar energy throughout the day. As they’re able to glean the sun’s energy more efficiently, they are able to harvest enough solar power to heat your building’s water even in colder climates. The fact that they are vacuum sealed increases their efficiency even more given that vacuums provide the perfect conditions for insulating the heat source. Consequently less power is wasted. The heating element on the inside of the tube can be blazing hot, but the outside of the tube, insulated by the vacuum, will remain cool. This results in a lot more of the solar power being retained and put to use heating the water in your building.


Your building’s boiler system or hot water heater uses up a significant piece of the electricity and/or gas used by your building. You can lower your energy bills and those of your tenants significantly by installing solar heating tubes and letting green energy work for you. You will only need to buy and install the solar heating tubes once, and the savings will last forever.


This is the best time to begin using green energy like solar water heating tubes. Governments the world over now offer financial incentives for landlords to install green technology that uses sustainable, renewable energy sources. A number of countries will even supply you with a grant towards the installation of your solar heating tubes or solar panels. Sooner or later, green energy is going to be the order of the day for all building owners. It would be much better to get on board now, while the government is willing to help.

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