Solar Panels Installation: Benefits and What You Need to Know

The specific type of solar energy capture system that you install will be based heavily on the needs of your home. The size of the house, how many electronics are present and how much time someone will be spending in the all play huge roles in determining what you’ll need. A small home may need only a few panels, a small inverter and a low capacity power bank while a large home with more appliances will require a significant step up in all departments. If some of this sounds confusing, fear not because by the end of this short read everything should be cleared up and you will have more clarity on the installation of a basic solar panel system and its benefits. It’s safe to say that within 5 minutes you will be ready to get solar panels installed.

Solar energy systems are usually equipped with three main components:

  • Battery Bank (Optional): This step is optional because not everyone has the same goals when switching to solar. Some people only wish to use solar power in the event that the main power grid is temporarily shut off or even to sell their harnessed power to the power companies. Others who want to completely cut ties with grid and depend solely on solar will need somewhere to store this power. This is where the power or battery bank comes in. Something as simple as a bank of 12.4 car batteries can easily achieve this.
  • Inverter: The inverter is the device that converts the DC power that the panels produce into AC. This is what essentially everything in your home runs on, making a catalyst for successfully using solar power.
  • Racking/Mounting System: This is going to be that backbone and support fr the panels. The racking or mounting system will be placed on the roof of the house or in an open space in the yard with the solar panels attached on top.
  • Solar Panels: Whether you have monocrystalline or polycrystalline panels, these are going to be what captures the power from the rays of the sun. These will take that captured energy and transfer it via a cable into the inverter.

Now that you are on your way to being a solar energy customer let’s go in depth about some of the main and best benefits of having a solar capture system. For starters it is environmentally friendly. Solar energy is one of the cleanest ways to generate energy and cuts back on carbon emissions. Another great benefit is financial incentive and creating energy dependence. Adding solar panels can easily save you more than 100 dollars a month and even more if you are completely off grid. In the long run, this will make you independent from depending on another party to generate and charge you for electricity. It can even increase the value of your home, making it a solid investment. Lastly, Solar is virtually a guaranteed power source. As long as you have an open space and the sun doesn’t implode anytime soon, the rays will always be present for the taking. So if you are thinking about going solar and can afford the investment, go ahead and take the plunge and start reaping the benefits!

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