Solar Powered Technology Matters in Saving Our Deteriorating Environment

Global warming has become the biggest menace to human living. Environment now is starting to revenge us for our inappropriate doings and abuse. Today, we suffer from decreasing lands, increasing weird illness, polluting air, reducing water source, etc. How to save our living home? The advent of solar powered technology makes us see the flush of hope.

Although such kind of energy is not widely applied in our world, solar power is considered as one of the most effective ways to save our deteriorating environment. Solar powered products, no matter big or small, has integrated into our lives and taken the place of other source-powered products gradually, for example, solar powered gadgets, solar water heater, solar power station, and so on. The charm of such kind of power resource is so irresistible.

I. Advantages of Solar Power

Different from oil, gas, and coal, energy from the sum is completely renewable.

Solar energy is green, producing no harm to our living environment. But when oil is utilized, it usually releases harmful greenhouses gases, carcinogens and carbon dioxide into the air, making our breathing air become less and less human-friendly.

Solar cells are almost noiseless, even when they extract useful energy from the sun. However, when we pump oil, we have to endure extreme noise produced by giant machines.

Solar cells are more durable as they are no moving parts inside. So we do not need to give them maintenance as frequently as we give to machines.

Solar panels and solar lighting could help us save more in the long run. Although their prices are more expensive than oil gadgets, they nearly cost us nothing because the power of the sun is free. Nevertheless, oil prices are increasing day by day because of its declining quantity.

Solar powered products are very easy to install and use, as their installation requires no wires, cords and power sources.

Solar power technology is still evolving. This power will be pervasively implemented in our lives. It is still have some defects in its implementation.

II. Defects of Solar Power

The prices of solar cells and solar panels are falling day by day though, they still cost budgets, especially for those who are not rich.

Solar power is unstable. On a cloudy day, at night, during a storm, such kind of power couldn’t be effectively harnessed.

Solar power is an alternative source for oil, gas and coal. Today, it has already aroused world attention. Seldom do people refuse using this power if one day solar power fits our budget and offers ease of use.

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