Q&A: What majors to pursue for energy/solar power jobs?

I’m looking for different majors to pursue for college and, for fun, I decided to stray away from the ordinary boring ones.
I figured solar/energy-saving power is probably going to become a big business, but what majors are there to pursue?

I’d just like some ideas, but if I may ask try to keep it less general. (For example, please don’t simply say “the sciences” unless you may be able to briefly explain any branch of science in particular!)

Best answer:

Answer by Get Off The Grid
Hi there,

Engineering wouldn’t be a bad field for something like alternative energy. I know that’s kind of general, but maybe there is something else specifically within engineering, that may cater to solar energy, wind energy, wave energy, etc..

I guess it really depends in the school you are in, and what kind of variety with the majors that they offer.

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