Is it reasonable for a solar car battery charger to output 600W of power per day?

Is it reasonable for an avg solar powered (30cm x 10cm) car battery charger to have an output of 661W over the span of 1 day?

Its the answer I got for my assignment and I’m not sure whether that is correct.
when i use my multimeter the solar panel outputs 22V dc and at best 100mA

Best answer:

Answer by billrussell42
watts is already a rate of energy per unit time, so “watts over 1 day” doesn’t mean a lot.

Unless you mean an average power level of 660 watts during the course of one day?

typical solar arrays will supply about 10-12 watts per sq ft, or about 10 mW per square cm. You have 300 sq cm, so that is about 3 watts max.

Your measurements agree with that, 22 volts at 0.1 amp is 2.2 watts.

now perhaps you want watt-hour, a unit of energy.

3 watts over a 12 hour summer day is 36 watt-hours, still not 600


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