Impeach Obama to stop the Afghan war.

Energy Policy. Here is how the US can create 50 million new jobs in 3 months. The solution to the Gulf oil spill is to transform our nation into a solar powered nation. The Gulf oil spill is probably the largest event to have happened in the last 1000 years. It is bigger than 9/11, bigger than Katrina, bigger and more complex than the CIA/Bush assassination of JFK, that caused the Vietnam war. The Gulf oil spill combines every danger of industrial capitalism into one toxic witches brew, on a world scale. It is so large most people cannot get their heads around the issue, to figure out a solution. Just stopping the leak won’t solve the problem. Just cleaning the oil out of the ocean won’t solve the problem. Yes, we must stop using oil. But how? To do that we first must totally reorganize our society into using the most powerful energy source on earth,… solar power. To do that we first build 1 million new hillside solar powered houses, so everyone can tap the geo-thermal power from the center of the earth, which will then keep houses at 55 degrees F, even in Minnesota, using the 7000 F heat from the center of the earth. We have built 4 houses like this. All you do is dig down to bedrock to tap the heat from the center of the earth. You can install solar power in your apartment today by just getting a car battery & charging it up using a solar panel. This will run your computer during a power failure, like a quake. This massive house building project, “Manhattan 2011
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