How To Choose A Water Feature

from the website When it comes to selecting a water feature for your garden, there is now a huge range to choose from, which are relatively cheap and easy to install when compared to a full blown pond and cascading waterfall. And of course you can create your own unique design, using an interesting urn or basin as a basis for your new feature. This video shows you some of the alternative styles available, from humble small scale fountains to stand alone pebble fountains and arge sheets of glass and stone with cascading curtains of water. First – a solution for a pebble based fountain, which will cost less than £200 to buy and install. The basic ingredients are a container – anything that is or can be waterproof is fine, a central stone feature, pebbles, plants and a pump. Our example features a bucket type base, which can be sunk into the ground, surrounded by a shallow tray for plants and pebbles. The central feature is a circular stone ball with a hole at the top for the water. Remember that all running water features require a power source. Water and electricity can be a lethal combination, so do use a qualified electrician to install your electric pump. Some work off solar power, which are suitable if you don’t have a power source nearby.The ultimate effect of this water feature when built can enhance your garden and add a tranquil dimension, without requiring much space. Once you have chosen the type of feature you would like, there are some important
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