how much would it cost to produce 10% of schools electricity by solar power?

why not retrofit a school with solar power to produce about 10% of it’s electricity. and pay back the gov’t that savings until it is paid back then from that payback point the savings goes to the schools budget. I would think that most schools would be able to have that paid back sooner than the ratio of ten yrs. because of mainly 5 days a week and alot of schools still are not doing year around.

Best answer:

Answer by pig poop
I think that is an excellent idea, but do you mind if I float one of my own passed you? Why not use hamsters on treadmills, to generate power? The little buggers don’t eat that much, and besides that, the children would find them cute. It would also open up a huge hamster raising industry, and thus provide jobs for the millions of students that would otherwise not find employment from the continual job outsourcing taking place.

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