Amount of water which can be undergone in photoelectrolysis one day by using 100 watt power solar ??

In our project we should produce Oxygen from water by Solar power. In one day how much amount of water can be undergone photo electrolysis by using a 100watt solar panel? And how much oxygen can be produced from it. I am really in need of answer, plz help..

Best answer:

Answer by herowithgreeneyesandbluejeans
I don’t know but I’m sure it’s very little. The biggest mistake people make when working with solar panels is to not concider that solar panel do not make electricity at house current flow levels. House current is 120 volts ac. The best solar panels are 17 volts dc.

100 watts of 17 volt dc is a small fraction of 100 watts, 120 volt ac.

Solar generators simply are not practical. Wind turbines have proven themselves to be the only practical means of generating “free” electricity with cold fusion perhaps the trump card.

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